Tetley Tea

Now, Tetley becomes the 2nd largest tea brand globally. With a brand presence in over 40 countries, with millions of cups of tea enjoyed every day. 泰特利已经成为全球第二茶品牌,在40多个国家销售,每天有数以百万计杯的茶在被享用。

Tetley tea sales got ranking 1 in England and Canada, ranking 2 in United State. 泰特利茶叶在英国和加拿大销量第一,美国销量第二。


  • 1837, Joseph and Edward Tetley start to sell salt in Yorkshire, England. In time, they add tea to their repertoire. 1837年,Joseph和Edward兄弟在英国成立Tetley,并把茶加入他们的系列里。
  • Late 1940, The first Tetley teabag machines are known as the ‘grey ladies’ and stitch 40 tea bags a minute for export. 40年代晚期, 第一台生产泰特利茶叶袋的机器面世,一分钟可生产出40个茶包。
  • 2004, Tetley offers fruit & herbal infusions, green teas and speciality teas in addition to its classic blend teabags. 2004年,除了其经典的混合茶包,泰特利开始供应水果和香草茶、绿茶和特种茶。
  • In 2000, Tetley joined the Tata Global Beverages family. 泰特利于2000年加入塔塔全球饮料集团。


【Where tea come from 茶的来源和产地】

  • Tetley tea comes from around the world, e.g. Argentina, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, India, Srilanka, Taiwan, Japan, China, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 泰特利茶从世界各地采摘,包括阿根廷、肯尼亚、马拉维、南非、印度、斯里兰卡、台湾、日本、中国、印度尼西亚和巴布亚新畿内亚等。
  • Tetley has committed to sourcing 100% of its tea from Rainforest Alliance CertifiedTMfarms. 泰特利承诺100%的茶源自雨林联盟认证™农场。
  • As part of our sustainable sourcing strategy, we want to help create a sustainable global tea industry, and working closely with specialist organisations, such as Rainforest Alliance, is an effective way of achieving this. 作为可持续采购战略的一部分,我们希望帮助建立一个可持续的全球茶产业,并与专业组织,如雨林联盟密切合作。


【Green Tea 绿茶系列】

  • Green tea is created when the upper leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant are hand-picked, then pan-fired and rolled to reduce moisture.绿茶的茶叶采自野茶树的叶子,经烘干而制作的饮品。
  • This ancient process creates a tea that has long been a staple in Asia, respected for its medicinal properties. 绿茶在亚洲一直以来都很受欢迎,因为其的药用价值,有助于抵抗老化。
  • Distinctive and delightful, the pure and natural goodness 独特及香醇,纯天然


【Herbal Tea 花果茶系列】

  • Herbal teas encompass the most aromatic and flavourful tastes in nature. Roots, leaves, seeds, flowers, spices, berries and herbs in endless combinations create a world of fragrant and refreshing choices. Since they contain no leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant, herbal teas are teas in name only and contain 花果茶含芳香的天然花草,根、叶子、种子、花卉、香料、浆果、和药草调制成清香爽口的花果茶。
  • no caffeine 不含咖啡因


【Signature Collection 选茶系列】

  • The perfect combination of delicious premium blends, with no artificial flavour.选用美味的上等茶叶的组合,无人造香料。
  • These signature varieties are packed in our unique drawstring tea bag to allow you to squeeze out more flavour and remove the tea bag without any mess.精选茶是装在独特的拉绳茶袋里,可让您挤压出更多的味道,而且不会有茶渣。
  • Our high-quality signature blends were carefully crafted by our expert Tea Master, Mark Donovan. 精选茶是由专业的茶师Mark Donovan 精心调配的。


【Tetley in market 市场铺货








【Tetley Selling Points 卖点

  • It is the largest tea company in the United Kingdom and Canada and the second largest in the United States by volume.英国领先的茶叶品牌,Tetley茶叶在英国和加拿大销量第一,美国销量第二
  • Simple tea bag design,enjoy tea wherever you are 简约的包装,随时随地尽享美味
  • Tetley produces the perfect blend by finding the best teas from around the world. 甄选全球,优质茶源
  • Mellow taste, no tea scum 口感香醇、无茶叶渣子